Circumstances - Week 3

This week Alvin continued another great message on circumstances. He talked about Paul who even though he was in jail and about to be put to death he continues his allegiance and work for Christ. Alvin directed us to 2 Timothy where Paul writes this letter to Timothy whom he was mentoring and had served with. He is writing him this one last letter of encouragement to spur him on, to challenge him to Be Ready for what lies ahead. Video for Circumstances - week 3 - Be Ready -

True or False - You endure all the hardships of getting ready for vacation (save money, packing, checking your car, make sure the house is secured, pets are taken care of, and so on) because once you are on vacation it is worth it.

Do you feel like you are ready to go out and share the Gospels in most circumstances?
Can you identify areas in you life where you think you should share Jesus?

What stops you from sharing Jesus or asking someone to go to church?

It has been said, this will not be easy but in the end it will be rewarding. 2 Timothy 4:5 -  As for you, always be sober minded, ENDURE SUFFERING, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

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