Ninety-One - Week 6

Jesus said, under my new covenant , the sacred has shifted from buildings created to represent God, to people created in the image of God. In the new covenant, relationships, not rules and rituals, take priority, because God has made mankind, in His image, for a relationship.  But when you love the law more than the law giver, you miss the relationship that you were created for. And we said, unfortunately, love for the law, instead of the lawgiver, didn't end with Judaism, but has crossed over generational lines and permeates the church. And for some of you, the reason you gave up on church, the reason you turned away from Jesus is because you were part of or you attend a church that, much like the religious leaders of Jesus' day, elevated the rules. In fact, they weaponized the rules, and because you didn't always keep the rules, or something happened in your family where they didn't follow the rules, they shunned you. Turned their back on you, and pushed you away, not just from the church, but ultimately from a relationship with God. It is not being suggested that rules don't matter, but do you know who's rules we're more likely to prioritize and follow? The rules of those we are in relationship with. Relationships lead to rule following. When it's just rules, we don't understand the why behind the rules. We don't see the purpose for the rules, but when you're in a relationship with someone you know loves you and cares for you, and has your best interest in mind, and they set a rule or a guardrail, you see it's for your benefit. So rules matters, God's do's and don'ts matter, but you'll never be inclined to follow the do's and don'ts if you don't have a relationship. That same principles apply to parenting. Parents! Rules without relationship leads to rebellion.  But for centuries religious people have put the religious rules over relationships and driven people away. Jesus knew the damage that rules over relationship does. Jesus would constantly rail against those who elevated the rules over the relationship. But He didn't just object to those who practiced it, He modeled what it looked like to prioritize relationships.  This week Mark shares with us a couple of examples where the religious leaders believe Jesus is breaking the rules. He is actually building relationships, forgiving sin and healing the sick. So how is that breaking the rules? Check out week 6 of Ninety -One

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1. Why did the Pharisees and other religious leaders get so upset when Jesus said to the man on the mat "your sins are forgiven?"
2. How did Jesus prove in this story of the man on the mat, that He is able to forgive sin?
3. The Pharisees and other religious leaders and even Jesus' own disciple couldn't believe or understand why He would hang out with lowlife's or people who were considered lower than a sinner. Do you have moments where you choose popularity, appearance, avoid criticism, instead of trying to gain a relationship with someone to share the Good News?    

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